IAHHC Membership Application Select An Option New Member Personal Services Agency $610 Annually A personal service agency that operates in Indiana and will supply in-home services to assist individuals with their activities of daily living and/or their health care or hospice needs. New Member Home Health/Hospice $851 Annually A home health or hospice (may also offer personal services). These agencies will be operating in Indiana and will (1) supply in-home services to assist individuals with their activities of daily living and/or their health care or hospice needs; or, (2) that provide hospice inpatient services. Associate Affiliate $420 Annually An entity that does not supply in-home personnel and does not supply goods or services for compensation to home care agencies, hospices, or their patients, but is interested in home care. This category includes a non-profit association or community organization. Associate Standard $750 Annually An entity that does not supply in-home personnel and does not supply goods or services for compensation to home care agencies, hospices, or their patients, but is interested in home care. This category includes a non-profit association or community organization. You may view the benefits for each associate level by reviewing the benefit level chart here. Associate Classic $2250 Annually An entity that does not supply in-home personnel and does not supply goods or services for compensation to home care agencies, hospices, or their patients, but is interested in home care. This category includes a non-profit association or community organization. You may view the benefits for each associate level by reviewing the benefit level chart here. Associate Premium $5500 Annually An entity that does not supply in-home personnel and does not supply goods or services for compensation to home care agencies, hospices, or their patients, but is interested in home care. This category includes a non-profit association or community organization. You may view the benefits for each associate level by reviewing the benefit level chart here. Enter Contact Information Prefix (i.e. Mr. Mrs. Dr.) First Name Last Name Suffix (i.e Jr. Sr. III) Designations E-mail Family NameBusiness Name View Membership Terms Next Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist Powered By GrowthZone